Born and raised in Paris, France, Nelly Dastain has been traveling all around the world before settling in the United States, first in New York and then in Naples, Florida.

For many years she has been painting still lives. Then she found that abstract work asked her more introspection and reflection but in return provided more satisfaction.

“Abstract Art provokes feelings, strong emotions and reactions. There is no moderate opinion. You like it or you don’t. First the colors will strike you, then the movement, the shapes and you will want to find more, look for details.

"La peinture est de plus en plus proche de la poésie maintenant que la photographie l’a libérée du besoin de raconter une histoire". Georges Braque.

More and more, painting is getting nearer to poetry, now that photography has freed us from the need to tell a story.

“I think that painting and art in general show a lot about our own self and even help discover sides we were not aware of.

Art is a way for us to communicate our inner ideas, feelings and experiences. This is true as well for the artist as for the viewer.

Starting a new abstract painting is like entering in an unknown universe. After a few strokes, the colors and the shapes decide for themselves. They lead me. I only bend them to my preferred shades and make it look to satisfy my own personal tendencies.

Abstract Art is about creating a visual experience, sparking emotions and let the viewer’s imagination do the rest... and sometimes, abstract is not that far of realism!

I use to say that when my painting is finished it belongs to the viewers. They see it with their own experience, life and needs. They make it their own.

Art is an essential part of our culture because it allows us to have deeper understanding of our emotions and also allows us to be open to new ideas and experiences.


A neurologist showed that when we stare at a piece of art, our brain is stimulated and produces dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone.

Art is also a bridge of understanding between diverse groups of people from different cultures, speaking different languages and brings unity.
Just look at the crowd in museums!”

A good quote about Art:


Nelly Dastain has been an artist for over 40 years. First figurative then abstract, her creations are hung in galleries and homes all over the world, from Paris to New York from the Caribbean islands to the vibrant art scene of Naples, Florida.

“Buying a piece of art is a decision because you’re going to live with this creation maybe for years, you have to fall in love with it….

Currently Nelly and her husband Jean-Yves live in Naples, Florida.


The Galleries



The Painting Show

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The Art Exhebition


Tell me What ever You Want